Investing involves risks, including possible loss of principal.
Investments in derivatives may be riskier than other types of investments. They may be more sensitive to changes in economic or market conditions than other types of investments. Derivatives may create leverage, which could lead to greater volatility and losses that significantly exceed the original investment. The price of equity securities may fluctuate rapidly or unpredictably due to factors affecting individual companies, as well as changes in economic or political conditions. These price movements may result in loss of your investment. Positions in equity options can reduce equity market risk, but can limit the opportunity to profit from an increase in the market value of stocks in exchange for upfront cash at the time of selling the call option. Unusual market conditions or the lack of a ready market for any particular option at a specific time may reduce the effectiveness of option strategies and could result in losses. Utilizing a strategy with a diversified equity portfolio and derivatives, with a put/spread collar options overlay, may not provide greater market protection than other equity investments nor reduce volatility to the desired extent, as unusual market conditions or the lack of a ready option market could result in losses. Derivatives expose the Fund to risks of mispricing or improper valuation and the Fund may not realize intended benefits due to underperformance. When used for hedging, the change in value of a derivative may not correlate as expected with the risk being hedged.