Guide to Retirement

  • Introduction
  • Retirement Landscape
  • Saving
  • Spending
  • Investing
  • Reference

Cover Page



Cover Page

Cover Page

Page reference

Page reference

The retirement equation

The retirement equation

Life expectancy probabilities

Life expectancy probabilities for same sex couples

Managing expectations of ability to work

Prepare to retire on your own terms

Fostering well-being in retirement

Social Security timing trade-offs

Claiming Social Security: decision tree

Maximizing Social Security benefits: maximum earner

Social Security benefit claiming considerations

Income replacement needs vary by household income

Retirement savings checkpoints: Household income ≤ 90k (Annual savings rate 5%)

Retirement savings checkpoints: Household income ≥ $100k (Annual savings rate 10%)

Annual savings needed if starting today: ≤90k

Annual savings needed if starting today: ≥$100k

Automatic features are on the rise, in popularity and practice

Benefit of saving and investing early

The benefits of auto-escalation

Tax implications for retirement savings by account type

Diversified sources of retirement funding

Evaluate a Roth at different life stages

Maximizing an HSA for health care expenses

Prioritizing long-term retirement savings

Annual emergency reserves

Lack of emergency savings can impact retirement readiness

The toxic effect of loans and withdrawals

Reasons for 401(k) plan loans and withdrawals

Spending and inflation

Changes in spending: partially and fully retired households with $250k - $750k investable wealth

Changes in spending: all households with $1m - $3m investable wealth

The 4% rule: projected outcomes vs. historical experience

Dollar cost ravaging: timing risk of withdrawals

Mitigating dollar cost ravaging: dynamic spending

65 and working: should I sign up for Medicare?

Three steps for Medicare coverage

Rising health care costs in retirement

Variation in Medicare Advantage costs

2024 monthly Medicare surcharges

Disability increases with age

Long-term care planning

Long-term care planning options

Consider how to fund your retirement goals

Structuring a portfolio to match investor goals in retirement

Goals-based wealth management

Impact of being out of the market

SECURE 2.0 Act: broadening access to more people and increasing savings

SECURE 2.0: tax implications

A closer look at tax rates: 2024

Retirement plan contribution and deferral limits: 2023/2024

Retirement plan contribution and deferral limits: 2023/2024



Cover Page

Cover Page

Page reference

Page reference

The retirement equation

The retirement equation

Life expectancy probabilities

Life expectancy probabilities for same sex couples

Managing expectations of ability to work

Prepare to retire on your own terms

Fostering well-being in retirement

Social Security timing trade-offs

Claiming Social Security: decision tree

Maximizing Social Security benefits: maximum earner

Social Security benefit claiming considerations

Income replacement needs vary by household income

Retirement savings checkpoints: Household income ≤ 90k (Annual savings rate 5%)

Retirement savings checkpoints: Household income ≥ $100k (Annual savings rate 10%)

Annual savings needed if starting today: ≤90k

Annual savings needed if starting today: ≥$100k

Automatic features are on the rise, in popularity and practice

Benefit of saving and investing early

The benefits of auto-escalation

Tax implications for retirement savings by account type

Diversified sources of retirement funding

Evaluate a Roth at different life stages

Maximizing an HSA for health care expenses

Prioritizing long-term retirement savings

Annual emergency reserves

Lack of emergency savings can impact retirement readiness

The toxic effect of loans and withdrawals

Reasons for 401(k) plan loans and withdrawals

Spending and inflation

Changes in spending: partially and fully retired households with $250k - $750k investable wealth

Changes in spending: all households with $1m - $3m investable wealth

The 4% rule: projected outcomes vs. historical experience

Dollar cost ravaging: timing risk of withdrawals

Mitigating dollar cost ravaging: dynamic spending

65 and working: should I sign up for Medicare?

Three steps for Medicare coverage

Rising health care costs in retirement

Variation in Medicare Advantage costs

2024 monthly Medicare surcharges

Disability increases with age

Long-term care planning

Long-term care planning options

Consider how to fund your retirement goals

Structuring a portfolio to match investor goals in retirement

Goals-based wealth management

Impact of being out of the market

SECURE 2.0 Act: broadening access to more people and increasing savings

SECURE 2.0: tax implications

A closer look at tax rates: 2024

Retirement plan contribution and deferral limits: 2023/2024

Retirement plan contribution and deferral limits: 2023/2024



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Cover Page

Updated annually, the Guide to Retirement provides an effective framework for supporting your retirement planning conversations with clients. It includes charts and graphs to help you explain complex topics in a clear and concise manner. A description and audio commentary are available for every slide.