Combining 529 plan benefits with J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s investment expertise
Why 529 plans?
- Tax-advantaged investing, tax-deductible contributions in many states and tax-free rollovers to Roth IRAs starting in 2024
- Covers any qualified education expense, including K-12 tuition, college costs, student loan payments and apprenticeship programs
- Special gift and estate tax benefits not available in other education accounts
- Full control over naming and changing beneficiaries, choosing investments, and making withdrawals
- Minimal impact on financial aid eligibility
Why J.P. Morgan Asset Management?
- Dedicated team of 100+ multi-asset experts to build portfolios, select managers and make adjustments as markets change over time1
- Deep universe of active and passive strategies across asset classes, styles and regions
- Broadly diversified, actively allocated portfolios to enhance return potential and risk management
- Unique glide path design informed by real-life 529 plan participant behaviors
- College planning insights, tools and resources to promote well-informed investing
Do more for investors across the U.S. — no income, age or state residency restrictions
College planning tools and resources
1 J.P. Morgan Asset Management, as of March 31, 2023.
2 ISS Market Intelligence, 529 Industry Analysis 2023.
3 Maximum gifts are $180,000 per beneficiary from married couples filing jointly and $90,000 from single tax filers. No additional gifts can be made to the same beneficiary over a five-year period. If the donor does not survive the five years, a portion of the gift is returned to the taxable estate.