Portfolio Pulse: Future Transition Multi-Asset Fund
Eyes on the future with an innovative asset allocation strategy
Important Information
1. The Fund invests primarily (at least 70%) in Asian bonds and other debt securities. The Fund will have limited RMB denominated underlying investments.
2. The Fund is exposed to risks related to debt securities (including interest rate risk, below investment grade/ unrated investment risk, investment grade bond risk, sovereign debt risk, valuation risk and credit risk) emerging markets, concentration, currency, derivatives, liquidity, hedging, class currency and currency hedged classes. Pertaining to investments in below investment grade or unrated debt securities, these securities may be subject to higher liquidity risks and credit risks comparing with investment grade bonds, with an increased risk of loss of investment. For RMB hedged class, risks associated with the RMB currency and currency hedged classes risks. RMB is currently not freely convertible and RMB convertibility from offshore RMB (CNH) to onshore RMB (CNY) is a managed currency process subject to foreign exchange control policies of and restrictions imposed by the Chinese government. There can be no assurance that RMB will not be subject to devaluation at some point. The Manager may, under extreme market conditions when there is not sufficient RMB for currency conversion and with the approval of the Trustee, pay redemption monies and/or distributions in USD.
Why Asian bonds?
Asian credit & local government bonds generally have higher yields than global peers and could bring diversification benefits.
Flexible allocation and dynamic duration management
Lowered headline credit risk and maintained a defensive stance to navigate against global economic headwinds.
Increased the overall duration since late 2022 as the Fund continues to dynamically adjust its duration and yield curve positioning.
Actively managing both Asian local government duration and non-USD currency exposure to seek alpha.