The Notice for Changing Client’s Personal Information Relating to New UI No. for Foreign Nationals.
The Ministry of the Interior starts replacing UI No. with a "New UI No." format for Foreign Nationals since 2 January 2021. You may refer to the Ministry of the Interior for detailed information.
If you have applied for your New UI No., please be reminded of the followings:
(一) 為配合內政部新式外來人口統一證號換發作業,新式外來人口若需於摩根投信變更新式統一證號,請參照以下客戶資料變更之相關資訊:
If you would like to update your UI No. kept in JPMorgan Asset Management (Taiwan) Limited with a new issued “New UI No.”, you may follow the steps as described below:
1. 辦理方式及應備文件:
a. 請列印 [基本資料暨印鑑變更掛失申請書(電子交易版)]。
Download the form of Changing for Basic Information of Individual Account from JPMorgan Asset Management (Taiwan) Limited website.
b. 請填寫申請書相關資料,填寫範本供您參考。
Fill out the form with: (Please find sample for your reference.)
- 填寫上方基本資料,並勾選第5項。
Fill out your personal information in the upper box and check item #5.
- 右上角留下於摩根投信之原留印鑑。
Sign (or chop) in the upper right box. The signature or the chop must be verified by JPMorgan Asset Management (Taiwan) Limited.
- 附上有效居留證及有效護照影本。
Attach photocopies of the new R.O.C. (Taiwan) Resident Certificate with the “New UI No.” and the Passport.
c. 將所有文件掛號郵寄至:11099 台北信義郵局第141號信箱 摩根投信作業部收 即可。
Mail the above mentioned documents to JPMorgan Asset Management (Taiwan) Limited Fund Service Support with the mailing address of P.O. Box 141, Taipei Xinyi, Taipei City 11099.
2. 其他應注意事項:
a. 為有效保障外來人口客戶權益,提醒您注意您的統一證號必須與銀行扣(匯)款帳戶證號相符,以免產生基金配息遭退撥情形。
For your own rights, please ensure your UI No. must be updated with your Bank to avoid any returned fund from happening.
(二) 以上若有任何問題,可於周一至周五早上九點至下午五點,洽詢客戶服務專線:0800-045-333或02-2252-2665,或於官網聯絡我們留言,將有專人為您服務。
If you have any question, please call our client service line at 0800-045-333 or 02-2252-2665 during the office hour from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Or you can also leave a message via our mailbox , we will contact you shortly.