Will the App work if I’m traveling outside my region or country?
Yes, the App will work anywhere, provided your device is connected to the Internet.
Is the App available for anyone to use?
Yes, the App is publicly available to download on the Apple App Store, but you must log in to access certain content and features.
Do I need to register to use the App?
Registration is not required to use the App, but certain content and features — such as sharing, saving favorites and creating custom PDFs — are only available after logging in.
Who can register for the App?
Registration is available to the general public, but materials in the App are primarily for intermediaries, financial advisors, advisory firms, institutional clients and institutional consultants. If you are not able to register, please contact your J.P. Morgan representative or email the App Support Team to request access. Investors accessing the App are advised to consult their own independent financial advisors and consider any legal and financial advice before making investment decisions.