Global markets are moving faster than ever and with increasingly more complexity. We believe our private banking and wealth clients deserve an expert partner they can trust to step up, deliver strong outcomes and help them navigate this challenging market environment.
Our clients deserve a partner that gives them the power of perspective. One that is informed by over a century of investing through every market cycle, so that they can see correlations and seize opportunities to solve their toughest challenges.
At J.P. Morgan Asset Management, our deeply-resourced global network of 1,160+ investment professionals take a rigorous research-driven approach to uncover the opportunities through 600+ strategies across all asset classes, managing the risks and giving our private banking and wealth clients the insights to make smarter investing decisions.

The current volatile markets highlight the importance of a solid and all-rounded investment partner. Harnessing the full extent of our superior investment capabilities and expertise, we strive to consistently deliver strong outcomes, helping our clients build stronger portfolios.
Being recognised as the Overall House of the Year two years running is testament to our steadfast commitment to empower our clients with robust solutions, tools and insights.