Our business resiliency program
Karen Trapani, Global Head of AWM Operations Control Management and Business Resiliency, and Kimara Bonhomme, the Global Head of AWM Business Resiliency, share our business resiliency framework.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello. I'm Karen Trapani-- Global Head of AWM Operations Control Management and Business Resiliency. Our mission is to proactively identify risks and ensure timely remediation of these risks in order to minimize the impact of business disruption to our firm, clients, customers, and markets. During these unprecedented times, between the pandemic, widespread protests, wildfires, and hurricanes, it is even more prevalent to have a strong and robust business resiliency program.
Kimara Bonhomme, the Global Head of AWM Business Resiliency, can share more about the tremendous efforts her and her team has taken to keep AWM resilient.
Thank you, Karen. While we encounter new challenges every day, my team is continually focused on providing continuity of client services while protecting the firm's employees and assets. Before an incident, we take multiple actions to ensure readiness at all times. We achieve this by working closely with senior business leaders to develop comprehensive resiliency plans, and test these plans regularly.
We also conduct training and exercises that will increase proficiency and understanding of response and recovery with our key employees. During an incident, life safety is our utmost priority. Partner with the firm's global security team, we obtain accountability of every one of our employees that may be impacted during the event.
As we are accountable for the safety of our employees, we are simultaneously working with the business and work their resiliency strategies. This may include transfer work to another non-impacted locations or moving our people. During these events, we make certain there is constant communication with our many stakeholders.
After incident, we look at what we can do better, areas we could be more innovative, and spaces where we can build stronger partnerships. Our team has to follow the same model that accounts for employees across the globe located in major cities around the world.
The strength of our business resiliency program is built of concrete set of controls. And together, as the first line of defense, we work closely with business partners to understand their processes and identify and mitigate risk in those processes in the event of an incident.
Spot on, Kimara. To protect our client's interests and assets, we are more resilient every day through strong teamwork across the firm.
The key to our success is exactly that, Karen-- we do not operate alone. We engage with senior management to proactively manage risk to incorporate appropriate mitigations and controls, meeting our regulatory expectations, and developing resiliency plans based on impact analysis and criticality.
Our program ensures we fly best in class resiliency capabilities through a collaborative environment and we'll orchestrate it across the firm. We are committed to providing the highest quality of operational resilience for you, our clients.