We offer investors a range of real estate securities (REITs) and access to commercial real estate investment opportunities through our dedicated REITs manager.
Founded in 1995, Security Capital is a registered investment adviser with an exclusive focus on investments in securities of U.S.-based real estate companies. Our record reflects a rigorous investment process directed by an experienced team of investment professionals.
Our process provides a strong foundation for our conviction-oriented investment style by integrating exhaustive, comprehensive research and analysis on real estate sub-markets, company cash flow potential and market-pricing trends for all capital tranches.
Security Capital invests across the dynamic, liquid, all-tranche U.S. real estate security universe. We offer institutional separate account, sub-advisory and fund structures providing a wide range of strategies, including:
- All-Tranche, Core Real Estate and Risk-Aware Strategies
- Diversified and Focused Common Equity Strategies
- Income-Focused Strategies
- Absolute Return Strategies
Security Capital Research & Management Incorporated | 10 S. Dearborn Street, 38th Floor | Chicago, Illinois 60603 | (312) 385-8300