What are active ETFs?
Active ETFs explained in 1 min
Jun 2019
Check out this short video to see why diversification is a common strategy that investment experts employ to help reduce portfolio risks and how to make it work.
Diversification does not guarantee positive returns or eliminate risk of loss.
Active ETFs explained in 1 min
While the US market remains an important source of alpha opportunities, there is an increasing appreciation among investors for the need to diversify return streams.
Wider valuation and performance dispersion, elevated market concentration and potentially higher-for-longer interest rates underscore the importance of an active approach when engaging opportunities in the US stock market.
Inflation can diminish purchasing power. Exploring investment opportunities in various asset classes such as equities and bonds, subject to our individual risk appetite and financial goals, can help manage the impact of inflation over the long run.
You may need to plan for the possibility of living much longer – perhaps 30+ years – in retirement. This underscores the importance of saving adequately and investing a portion of your portfolio for growth to maintain your purchasing power over time.
A soft landing outcome coupled with the potential for monetary easing later this year, could present significant tailwinds for US stocks.
Approaching income investing without borders, bias and benchmarks.
With yields hovering close to decade highs across many fixed income sectors, investors are presented with a “menu of options”. Still, selectivity matters as recession risks loom.
After a difficult year for bonds, we explain why fixed income could once again prove to be a useful diversifier for portfolios.
As the Fed’s rate hike cycle concludes, bonds can present an important source of income and diversification for portfolios.
We explain why investors should pay greater attention to quality bonds.
We share insights on the Japanese equity strategy while riding on cyclical and structural tailwinds.
ASEAN, China and the broader Asia ex-Japan region present ample opportunities for long-term growth.
A quick look at how the Fund is positioned as recession risks loom and financial conditions tighten.
A quick take on our strategy in investing Asian income assets amid global economic slowdown and China’s reopening.
Flexibility is at the heart of our approach to fixed income markets.
Sustainable investing is a forward-looking approach that aims to deliver long-term sustainable financial return in a fast-changing world.
The securitisation market has regained much ground in the past decade.
Sustainable Investing Solutions
To achieve our desired retirement, it is important to anticipate the possible challenges that retirees could face and be better financially prepared.
Insights and products to help you cut through the noise and keep your portfolio on track.
Our wide range of income solutions that seek multiple yield opportunities across asset classes, regions and sectors for stronger outcomes.
Sitting on excess liquidity for long-term goals like retirement may not be optimal given the diminishing effects of inflation on the purchasing power of money over the long run.
Understanding how different types of ETFs can help diversify portfolios and achieve investment goals.
Let’s look at what the Fund has achieved over the last 10 years.
Dividend equities may play an important role in portfolios as investors navigate a more challenging market environment marked by slowing growth, higher interest rates, and elevated geopolitical risks.
Understand more about Active ETF in an interactive journey.
As a starting point, you may consider focusing on three key factors, just like when you ponder on your food preferences.
We share the positive drivers for the global economy and how they could benefit equities in 2025.
With starting yields across many fixed income sectors still hovering near decade highs, the window to lock in elevated yields remains open.
For Fund or Institutional enquiries, please call or email us. You can also contact your financial advisor or your J.P.Morgan Representative.