Growing income opportunities to navigate sticky inflation
Stretching the value of a dollar gets tougher as prices increase.
Case-in-point, a plate of chicken rice cost about S$3.40 at the start of 2019 and has risen 21% to about S$4.10 by the end of 2022, according to the Singapore Department of Statistics1. This translates to an annual average inflation rate of around 4.8% a year.
Although interest rates on deposit accounts have also risen, it may not be enough to fully offset the effects of inflation, be it in food or other daily necessities2.
This invariably erodes the purchasing power of cash savings.
With inflation likely to stay somewhat sticky, it is important to find alternative ways of enhancing real returns2.
Going far and wide for income opportunities
Income opportunities abound
The good news is, after a decade of low rates, the market sell-off in 2022 has given rise to an environment that’s ripe with investment opportunities2.
Bond yields across various fixed income sectors have increased meaningfully and healthy income can now be found in a wide array of asset classes, markets and sectors2.
Investors can make the most of this market environment by going far and wide to seek out these opportunities.

Get active with income
While opportunities abound, the search for income should not be a passive endeavour.
Robust bottom-up security selection, diversification and active allocation will be critical to navigating a volatile market environment.
From regional-focused funds to globally diversified fixed income and multi-asset funds, our active income solutions can help investors capture opportunities from the ground up.
Selected funds are available at the following distributors:
Provided for information only based on market conditions as of date of publication, not to be construed as offer, research, investment recommendation or advice. The manager seeks to achieve the stated objectives. There can be no guarantee the objectives will be met.
Diversification does not guarantee investment return and does not eliminate the risk of loss.
1. Source: Singapore Department of Statistics, “Average retail prices of selected consumer items”, data as of 23.02.2023.
2. For illustrative purposes only based on current market conditions, subject to change from time to time. Not all investments are suitable for all investors. Exact allocation of portfolio depends on each individual’s circumstance and market conditions.
JPMorgan Income Fund is the marketing name of the JPMorgan Funds - Income Fund.
JPMorgan Global Income Fund is the marketing name of the JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund.
JPMorgan Asia Pacific Income Fund is the marketing name of the JPMorgan Funds - Asia Pacific Income Fund.
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Investments involve risks. Investments in funds are not deposits and are not considered comparable to deposits. Past performance is not a guarantee or necessarily indicative of future results and investors may not get back the full or any part of the amount invested. Dividend distributions if any are not guaranteed and are made at the manager’s discretion. Fund’s net asset value may likely have high volatility due to its investment policies or portfolio management techniques. Funds which are invested in emerging markets, smaller companies and financial derivative instruments may also involve higher risks and are usually more sensitive to price movements. Any applicable currency hedging process may not give a precise hedge and there is no guarantee that any hedging will be successful. Investors in a currency hedged fund or share class may have exposure to currencies other than the currency of their fund or share class.
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The funds mentioned in this document have been approved as recognised scheme(s) under the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore. Any offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase of the Fund(s) must be accompanied with the relevant valid Singapore Offering Documents (which incorporates and is not valid without the relevant Luxembourg prospectus). Please refer to the Singapore Offering Documents (including the risk factors set out therein) and the relevant Product Highlights Sheet for details before any investment at
The funds seek to achieve the investment objectives stated in the offering documents, there can be no guarantee the objective will be met. Investments in the Fund are not deposits and are not considered as being comparable to deposits. Fund’s net asset value may likely have high volatility due to its investment policies, exposure to emerging markets, financial derivatives instruments or portfolio management techniques. The value of the units in the scheme and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise. Past performance is not indicative of current or future results and investors may not get back the full or any part of the amount invested.
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