ETFs on the rise: transforming the investment landscape
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are investment vehicles that bundle securities into diversified pools. They are bought and sold on an exchange, like a stock, giving investors access to markets and their funds throughout the trading day.
The growth of ETFs has meant that different types of products are now available including passive and active ETFs. While passive ETFs aim to replicate the performance of an underlying index such as the S&P 500, active ETFs are designed with the aim to outperform a benchmark or achieve a specific outcome.
Actively managed ETFs have seen significant growth in recent years as they combine the ease of trading and potential cost efficiencies of ETFs with the experience and expertise of portfolio managers. These vehicles present an attractive avenue to seek alpha while retaining the benefits of ETFs.
Strong active ETF asset growth1
Discover a world of opportunities with J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s ETFs
J.P. Morgan Asset management manages US$190+ billion assets with 110+ ETFs listed across the globe4. We keep pushing the boundaries of ETF investing to deliver a wider suite of building blocks for investors’ portfolios. In just a few years, our ETF platform has made several notable achievements:
Explore the full spectrum of ETFs
Whether you are looking to pursue growth, seek income or mitigate risk, our expanding suite of innovative ETF strategies can help achieve your investment objectives.
The full spectrum of our ETF strategies
Provided to illustrate the characteristics of respective ETF strategies, Not to be construed as offer, research or investment advice. The strategies seek to achieve the stated objectives. There can be no guarantee the objectives will be met.
Latest ETF investment and educational insights
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For more information on our ETF strategies and capabilities, please contact your J.P. Morgan client advisor.
* Award source: AsianInvestor Asset Management Awards 2024. The awards are issued by AsianInvestor in the year specified, reflecting performance as at the previous calendar year end.
1. Source: Bloomberg, as of 31.12.2023. Data include global exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded products (ETPs).
2. Source: Bloomberg. Data as of 31.12.2023.
3. Source: “The Global ETF Survey 2024: 50+ Charts on Worldwide ETF Trends”, Trackinsight. Data as of 29.12.2023. The report is powered by Trackinsight data from more than 10,000 ETPs and insights gathered from over 500 investors overseeing a total of US$900 billion in ETF assets.
4. Source: Bloomberg. Data as of 31.08.2024.
5. Source: Bloomberg, Morningstar, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as of 31.12.2023. Data include US and UCITS ETFs only.
6. Award source: ETF Express. For the issuer categories, the pre-selection data for the issuer shortlists was provided by Trackinsight. Candidates in all asset class categories and groupings were determined on the basis of the following criteria: All US ETFs that were listed before 01.06.2022 and that have not closed at the date when processing the data were included. 1. For each category, all of an issuer’s ETFs in that specific asset class category or grouping were combined to give a total assets under management figure. 2. Within all categories, issuers with assets of below US$100 million were excluded (based on average assets during the period under review). 3. Shortlist nominations were based on the percentage change in the issuers’ assets under management in each category over a 12-month period from 31.05.2022 to 01.06.2023. 4. Where the universe in specific asset class categories permitted, issuers were also grouped by average asset thresholds such as US$100 million – US$1 billion, US$1 billion – US$10 billion and US$10 billion+.
Provided for information only based on market conditions as of date of publication, not to be construed as offer, investment recommendation or advice. Forecasts, projections and other forward looking statements are based upon current beliefs and expectations, may or may not come to pass. They are for illustrative purposes only and serve as an indication of what may occur. Given the inherent uncertainties and risks associated with forecast, projections or other forward statements, actual events, results or performance may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated.
Diversification does not guarantee investment return and does not eliminate the risk of loss.
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Investments involve risks. Investments in funds are not deposits and are not considered comparable to deposits. Past performance is not a guarantee or necessarily indicative of future results and investors may not get back the full or any part of the amount invested. Dividend distributions if any are not guaranteed and are made at the manager’s discretion. Fund’s net asset value may likely have high volatility due to its investment policies or portfolio management techniques. Funds which are invested in emerging markets, smaller companies and financial derivative instruments may also involve higher risks and are usually more sensitive to price movements. Any applicable currency hedging process may not give a precise hedge and there is no guarantee that any hedging will be successful. Investors in a currency hedged fund or share class may have exposure to currencies other than the currency of their fund or share class.
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