ETF Perspectives

Active Global Aggregate ETF Strategy for Higher Returns

Fixed income ETFs have experienced tremendous growth in assets and active fixed income ETFs are becoming an important tool for investors to source returns in an increasingly complex market environment.

Fixed income investors can benefit from active strategies

Many investors have viewed fixed income portfolios as good candidates for passive ETFs, which can provide core fixed income exposure, such as a diversified bond index, at minimal cost.

But passive ETFs may not always create the outcomes investors expect from their fixed income allocations, including diversification and potential return enhancement. In fact, while passive investments leave investors vulnerable to the changing investment characteristics of fixed income indices and market behavior, active ETFs have the opportunity to benefit from these events.

For example, unlike equity indices, the composition of bond indices is driven by the largest issuers, not necessarily the most “successful” issuers. This means a passive ETF will automatically drift towards the largest issuers over time irrespective of the quality of their balance sheets. An actively managed fixed income ETF can allocate towards higher- quality issuers and away from those that could be at risk for downgrades, which can help preserve capital and returns in time of economic or market stress.

Active fixed income ETFs can also capitalise on numerous factors that impact bond prices and move markets, including economic and market cycles, central bank actions and regulations for institutional investors. For instance, an active strategy can adjust interest rate exposure and sector allocation through the cycle, enabling investors to own cheaper securities and underweight expensive ones while maintaining a stable bond beta.

Active ETFs can offer extra benefits

The unique mechanics of active ETFs are transforming the delivery of active fixed income strategies, with multiple benefits for investors. To begin with, active ETFs offer daily transparency into fund portfolios vs. monthly or quarterly for mutual funds and they tend to have much lower management fees.

Active ETFs are also highly liquid: They have the same primary market mechanism as passive ETFs and they trade on the same stock exchanges in the secondary market, which allows investors to buy and sell throughout the day providing real- time price discovery. This not only improves liquidity but allows investors to monitor the values of their active portfolios more closely, a material benefit in times of market stress.

Explore the global opportunity with J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Global Aggregate strategy

Some fixed income strategies are particularly well suited to active ETFs. The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index is a core allocation that covers a wide opportunity set spanning government, corporate, government-related, emerging market and securitized bonds across 25 local currency markets. The size and complexity of the Global Aggregate universe makes a compelling case for active management that employs bottom- up security selection and top-down sector allocation, while taking advantage of relative value opportunities by rotating between sectors.

Our Global Aggregate strategy’s time-tested process has delivered strong returns since inception of the strategy in 2009 while retaining the key features of a core bond portfolio, including low volatility, limited drawdowns and no market bias.

1. Low volatility: With an experienced team of investors and a disciplined portfolio construction process, J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s actively managed Global Aggregate investment strategy has delivered strong returns over the 5 rolling years compared to the Global Aggregate index with similar volatility.

5 years: Risk-adjusted returns vs. key market indices

Graph showing Risk-adjusted returns vs. key market indices of 5 years.

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as of 31 July 2024.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.

The Global Aggregate Bond mutual fund and ETF follow the same strategy, but the ETF does not use OTC derivatives, so you cannot expect the same results. Returns are gross of fees for the JPMorgan Funds – Aggregate Bond Fund. Excess returns are geometric. Returns greater than one year are annualised. Gross fund returns are calculated from net returns by applying the fund total expense ratio (TER) which includes operating & administrative expenses (O&A). The O&A fees are accrued at the maximum rate, according to what is stated in the fund prospectus. Where the O&A fees incurred are actually lower than the accrual, this would lead to a minor overstatement of gross returns. Net returns are not impacted.

2. Strong returns: Our active strategy, featuring a diversified investment process whilst seeking to generate excess returns from many different sources, not just from a few big positions, as such it has delivered strong excess returns over time.

Line chart showing risk-adjusted returns vs. key market indices of 5 years.

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as of 31 July 2024.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.

The Global Aggregate Bond mutual fund and ETF follow the same strategy, but the ETF does not use OTC derivatives, so you cannot expect the same results. Inception date: 9 November 2009. Benchmark: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to USD. Returns for periods greater than one- year are annualised. Excess returns are geometric. Gross fund returns are calculated from net returns by applying the fund total expense ratio (TER) which includes operating & administrative expenses (O&A). The O&A fees are accrued at the maximum rate, according to what is stated in the fund prospectus. Where the O&A fees incurred are actually lower than the accrual, this would lead to a minor overstatement of gross returns. Net returns are not impacted.

3. Limited drawdowns: The risk management process includes stress testing and makes the portfolio managers vigilant against unexpected risks. Over a period with many different and unexpected real stress tests – from the eurozone sovereign crisis to Covid – our strong focus on risk management has helped limit performance drawdowns vs. the J.P Morgan aggregate strategy benchmark.


Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as of 30 June 2024.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.

The Global Aggregate Bond mutual fund and ETF follow the same strategy, but the ETF does not use OTC derivatives, so you cannot expect the same results. Inception date: 9 November 2009. Benchmark: Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index (Total Return Gross) Hedged to USD. Returns for periods greater than one- year are annualised. Excess returns are geometric. Gross fund returns are calculated from net returns by applying the fund total expense ratio (TER) which includes operating & administrative expenses (O&A). The O&A fees are accrued at the maximum rate, according to what is stated in the fund prospectus. Where the O&A fees incurred are actually lower than the accrual, this would lead to a minor overstatement of gross returns. Net returns are not impacted.

4. No market bias: Funds delivering superior returns by overweighting higher-yielding risk assets typically underperform when the bond market rallies in a risk-off environment. Our disciplined Global Aggregate investment process avoids this market bias and has outperformed in both rising and falling markets, allowing investors to rely on the strategy as a core bond offering that can help hedge riskier assets.

Bar graph showing aggregate bond fund outperforming benchmark in both falling and rising markets.

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as of 31 July 2024.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.

The Global Aggregate Bond mutual fund and ETF follow the same strategy, but the ETF does not use OTC derivatives, so you cannot expect the same results. Returns are gross of fees. Excess returns are geometric. Returns greater than one year are annualised. Gross fund returns are calculated from net returns by applying the fund total expense ratio (TER) which includes operating & administrative expenses (O&A). The O&A fees are accrued at the maximum rate, according to what is stated in the fund prospectus. Where the O&A fees incurred are actually lower than the accrual, this would lead to a minor overstatement of gross returns. Net returns are not impacted.

Looking ahead, the attractive level of real yields following the repricing over the last two years were subdued for a long period after the Global Financial Crisis as central banks were maintaining ultra dovish policy.

With the aggressive tightening from central banks over the last few years, real yields have seen a sharp re-pricing. This rise in yields has brought back some of the traditional features of bonds, namely income and diversification. This provides an attractive value proposition to long-term investors, and we believe liquid, low-cost active fixed income ETFs can offer investors an efficient way to take advantage of this dynamic environment. For instance our JPM Global Aggregate Bond Active UCITS ETF (JAGG) provides access to the diversification of the global bond universe with the benefits of our active investment strategy.

Calendar Year Performance

Bar graph depicting calendar year performance of global aggregate bond fund from 2014 to 2023.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results. The Global Aggregate Bond mutual fund and ETF follow the same strategy, but the ETF does not use OTC derivatives, so you cannot expect the same results.

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. C share class inception 18 Jan 2013. Fund performance is shown based on the NAV of the share class C (acc) in USD with income reinvested including actual ongoing charges excluding any entry and exit fees as of the date stated above on this page.. Returns for periods greater than one-year are annualised. Excess return calculated geometrically. Benchmark: Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (Total Return Gross). M – Month, YR – Year(s).


JPM Global Aggregate Bond Active UCITS ETF

The objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve a long-term return in excess of Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index Total Return USD.

Total Expense Ratio: 0.30%

Available Share Classes: JAGG (USD – dist) | JAGA*(USD – acc) | JAGE*(EUR-hedged – acc) | JAGP*(GBP-hedged – acc) | JAGU*(USD-hedged - acc)

* FOR BELGIUM ONLY: Please note the acc share class of the ETF marked with an asterisk in this page are not registered in Belgium and can only be accessible for professional clients. Please contact your J.P. Morgan Asset Management representative for further information. The offering of Shares has not been and will not be notified to the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (Autoriteit voor Financiële Diensten en Markten/Autorité des Services et Marchés Financiers) nor has this document been, nor will it be, approved by the Financial Services and Markets Authority. This document may be distributed in Belgium only to such investors for their personal use and exclusively for the purposes of this offering of Shares. Accordingly, this document may not be used.

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J.P. Morgan Asset Management may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of its collective investment undertakings. Units in Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (“UCITS”) Exchange Traded Funds (“ETF”) purchased on the secondary market cannot usually be sold directly back to UCITS ETF. Investors must buy and sell units on a secondary market with the assistance of an intermediary (e.g. a stockbroker) and may incur fees for doing so. In addition, investors may pay more than the current net asset value when buying units and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling them. In Switzerland, JPMorgan Asset Management Switzerland LLC (JPMAMS), Dreikönigstrasse 37, 8002 Zurich, acts as Swiss representative of the funds and J.P. Morgan (Suisse) SA, Rue du Rhône 35, 1204 Geneva, as paying agent. With respect to its distribution activities in and from Switzerland, JPMAMS receives remuneration which is paid out of the management fee as defined in the respective fund documentation. Further information regarding this remuneration, including its calculation method, may be obtained upon written request from JPMAMS. This communication is issued in Europe (excluding UK) by JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l., 6 route de Trèves, L-2633 Senningerberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg B27900, corporate capital EUR 10.000.000. This communication is issued in the UK by JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England No. 01161446. Registered address: 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP.
