Responsible stewardship for better client outcomes
Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for clients and beneficiaries. We believe robust investment stewardship practices are an important part of our fiduciary duty, producing better client outcomes and contributing to long-term value creation.
Engagement focused on key priorities
We have identified six main investment stewardship priorities that we believe are the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues that pose the most significant long-term risks and opportunities to our investments. Together with related sub-themes, these priorities provide a structured and targeted framework for engagement with the companies in which we invest.
Research-powered engagement
Our engagement is based on our in-depth company research, alongside our assessment of macroeconomic drivers, sector-specific factors and financially material ESG themes. Through our global scale and active insight, we seek to intervene proactively before risks are realised and opportunities missed.
Enhanced Engagement Program
Through the three pillars of our Enhanced Engagement Program, we aim to manage risk and promote long-term shareholder value at investee companies that most require our time and attention.
Focus list: Companies in our equity and/or corporate credit portfolios to which we have meaningful investment exposure and where our research has identified financially material ESG risks and opportunities.
Thematic projects: Engagement initiatives on specific themes aligned with our six investment stewardship priorities, targeting a broader number of investee companies on the same set of issues.
Reactive engagements: Engagements in response to corporate actions, notable events, major developments, controversies, norms breaches and matters arising from the proxy voting process.
Engagement activity statistics for 2023
Proxy voting
We vote shares held in our clients’ portfolios based on our reasonable judgment of what will best serve the long-term interests of our clients, in accordance with the legal standards applicable to the particular client account.
We have comprehensive proxy voting policies and guidelines in each region, consistent with law and expectations of good governance practices in these different locations.
Policies and commitments
See our sustainable investing policies and commitments, including our latest sustainable investing statement and investment stewardship report.
Active insight in sustainable investing
At J.P. Morgan Asset Management, we apply deep insight and active ownership to create solutions that meet clients' financial goals and sustainable objectives.
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