In the creation of this website, J.P. Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) is committed to making the content accessible to the widest possible audience. Our aim is to ensure that web pages available on this site comply with Priority 1 and a number of Priority 2 items of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and best practice recommendations as stated by the Web Accessibility Initiative.
Our goal of continuous improvement means that we regularly review pages and documents to upgrade any legacy content to comply with current accessibility standards.
- Pages are created using recognised structure such as emphasis and page headers.
- Design is controlled using stylesheets allowing for the control of font size and more.
- Images that contain important information will have appropriate alternative text.
- Text size can be controlled through your chosen web browser, please consult the browser help documentation for more information.
- A site map is provided to assist with site navigation and structure.
Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) Files
If you are using assistive technologies and are unable to access the contents of PDF documents, Adobe Systems, Inc., provides a free translation service through their Adobe Access web pages which will translate PDF files to web pages (HTML documents).
For pages that are not viewed directly from the internet, Adobe Access has a free downloadable accessibility plug-in for use with the latest versions of the Adobe Acrobat Reader for virtually all operating systems. This plug-in allows access to PDF documents with assistive technologies. Please visit the Adobe Access web site for further information.
Browser compatibility
These pages are designed for modern web browsers, but should be accessible in all browsers. This includes simple text browsers and adaptive browsers. The pages may not appear the same in old browsers or browsers that do not follow internet standards, though the information should still be accessible.
Contact us
If you require any of the information available on this site in a different format, have any comments or suggestions to enhance your experience, or require assistance with a particular document or page, please contact us with your enquiry.