Helping you to build stronger portfolios
Covering all major asset classes, our comprehensive fund range is designed to solve real investor needs in today’s complex markets. Wherever you want to invest, or whatever your goal, our funds can help you build stronger portfolios.

Fixed income funds
We have developed and innovated our fixed income capabilities with the single aim of building stronger portfolios to solve our clients’ needs. We are one of the top fixed income managers in the world, offering a range of fixed income funds that cover all regions, and all major markets and sectors.

Equity funds
Our equity expertise is founded on deep resources across regions and sectors, and a commitment to nurture the brightest talent. Our equity funds provide access to multiple investment styles and geographies. Delivering consistent results is at the heart of everything we do.

Multi-asset funds
Since the launch of our first multi-asset fund in 1970, we have strived to create portfolios that access the opportunities and overcome the challenges in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Alternative funds
Our broad spectrum of alternative investment solutions has been specifically designed to help investors achieve real returns and add diversification to portfolios, with strategies spanning real assets, private equity and credit, liquid alternatives, and hedge funds.

Investment Trusts
Our global investment network, team-based approach and on-the-ground research ensure our range of investment trusts are laser-focused on uncovering the most attractive opportunities on behalf of shareholders.

We have been pushing the boundaries of ETF investing so that investors can build diversified, competitively priced portfolios. Our suite of ETFs include research-backed active ETFs, strategic Beta funds and passive BetaBuilder ETFs.
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