Move beyond climate aware
Carbon Transition Equity ETFs from J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Katie Magee explains how the JPM Carbon Transition Global Equity (CTB) UCITS ETF can help decarbonise portfolios by monitoring and tackling climate change risks alongside other key considerations like profitability and tracking error. (9 min webcast)
Proprietary carbon emissions evaluation
Site Emissions
Reduce direct emissions and shift towards greener forms of energy
Consumer emissions & opportunities
Benefit from a shift in consumer demands towards low carbon alternatives
Resource Management
Electricity management
Reduce indirect GHG emission from the usage of electricity
Water management
Improve the sustainability of water flow management
Waste management
Reduce waste materials, both hazardous and non-hazardous
Risk Management
Physical risk
From physical risks from extreme weather conditions
Reputational risks
Improve climate stewardship
Climate Transition Benchmark-aligned portfolios
Further information