Bond Bulletin
Gain insights on fundamentals, quantitative valuations, technical and more in the weekly report by the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) team.
This exciting programme builds upon delegates understanding of the fixed income market environment and available investment choices, backed up by our most recent market outlooks and research insights. During the week delegates will learn how to apply theoretical knowledge to specific investment and trading strategies as well as utilising fundamental and technical rationales. Delegates will benefit from in-depth interaction with J.P. Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM)’s Global Fixed Income Currency and Commodities team across varying strategies, addressing different techniques to build and diversify fixed income portfolios.
This program will be eligible for CPD credits.
Review of the basics
Yield curves
Short term interest rate derivatives
Interest rate swaps and zero curves
Government bond futures
The anatomy of a zero curve
Spreads on corporate bonds
Credit strategies
Incorporating ESG into the universe
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