Be aware – scams and fraud
We are aware of a number of scams and attempted frauds through phone calls and emails claiming to be from a representative of J.P. Morgan offering an investment opportunity. If you have concerns about an approach, please contact us.
Some investors and potential investors may be contacted by people who claim to be from J.P. Morgan Asset Management and who try to persuade you to invest with them. They may offer you advice over the telephone, request payment from you, or they may email you links to bogus websites.
The products they may try and sell you might even have official sounding names like a J.P. Morgan Gold Fund (we have no funds by this name). You can check our Fund Explorer for our complete list of authorised funds.
When investors are called or emailed and pressure is put on them to buy a product or invest their money, this is often known as a boiler room scam. The approach may be gentle, the caller may be very friendly and reassuring, or they may take a more urgent tone, encouraging you to buy in quickly otherwise you could lose money.
These scams happen from time to time so it is best to be vigilant.
If you do receive a call from a J.P. Morgan representative (we sometimes call for service purposes) and you have concerns as to their identity, then please end the call and call us on 0800 20 40 20. We will then go through security and verification questions before proceeding.
For further information on staying safe online: