Find yield without overreaching
After over a decade of extremely low interest rates, opportunities are opening up around the globe for investors to meet their income needs. A flexible multi-asset approach can capitalise on these opportunities to provide conservative investors with a consistent and attractive income from a single, actively managed portfolio.
Seek income conservatively with Global Income Conservative Fund
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Conservative Fund invests dynamically across a variety of income-generating asset classes, seeking to provide attractive income from a conservatively constructed global portfolio.
The target risk/return are the investment manager’s internal guidelines to achieve the fund’s investment objective and policy stated in the prospectus. The targets are subject to change. There is no guarantee that these objectives will be met.
Diversification does not guarantee positive returns or eliminate risk of loss.
Further reading and information
Multi-asset income investing with J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Our multi-asset income approach draws on the breadth of our global resources to analyse income-producing securities across geographies and asset classes, combining our highest conviction ideas in a single, directly invested portfolio.
*In actively managed assets deemed by J.P. Morgan Asset Management to be ESG integrated under our governance process, we systematically assess financially material ESG factors amongst other factors in our investment decisions with the goals of managing risk and improving long-term returns. ESG integration does not change a strategy’s investment objective, exclude specific types of companies or constrain a strategy’s investable universe.