On the Minds of Investors

Drawing on the depth and breadth of their market and economic expertise, our global macro strategists offer insight into today's big investment themes to enable more confident portfolio decisions.

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Portfolio diversification: Why cash isn't king

Is cash really king? Explore why holding cash may underperform other asset classes and how smarter investment strategies can thrive in a volatile market.

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By Maria Paola ToschiMaria Paola ToschiMaria Paola ToschiGlobal Market Strategist and Natasha MayNatasha MayNatasha MayGlobal Market Analyst

Understanding the shifting risks of passive investing

Discover the risks of passive investing in today’s shifting economic and political tides, and how they influence portfolio returns.

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By Karen WardKaren WardKaren WardChief Market Strategist for EMEA and Zara NokesZara NokesZara NokesGlobal Market Analyst

How to invest in an age of tariffs and growing trade tensions

Find out how US tariffs may impact markets and learn strategies for investing during rising trade tensions. Explore inflation risks, market dynamics and the potential investment implications

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By Tilmann GallerTilmann GallerTilmann GallerGlobal Market Strategist and Max MckechnieMax MckechnieMax MckechnieGlobal Market Strategist

UK equity market: A value opportunity, not a value trap

Explore the UK equity market's potential for recovery. Learn how shifts in corporate behaviour, supportive policies and an economic upswing can help drive demand for UK stocks.

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By Hugh GimberHugh GimberHugh GimberGlobal Market Strategist and Zara NokesZara NokesZara NokesGlobal Market Analyst

What can sustain the latest Chinese equity rally?

This paper addresses the impact of Beijing’s coordinated policies on the recent Chinese equity market rally, and the long-term investment implications.

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By Tai HuiTai HuiTai HuiChief Market Strategist APAC and Tilmann GallerTilmann GallerTilmann GallerGlobal Market Strategist

Budget choices and challenges facing the new UK chancellor

Explore the fiscal challenges and tough choices facing the UK's new chancellor, Rachel Reeves, as she prepares her first budget.

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By Karen WardKaren WardKaren WardChief Market Strategist for EMEA, Hugh GimberHugh GimberHugh GimberGlobal Market Strategist, and Zara NokesZara NokesZara NokesGlobal Market Analyst

Karen Ward

Chief Market Strategist, EMEA

8 years with J.P. Morgan
22 years in the Industry

Tilmann Galler

Global Market Strategist

18 years with J.P. Morgan
24 years in the Industry

Maria Paola Toschi

Global Market Strategist

17 years with J.P. Morgan
40 years in the Industry

Hugh Gimber

Global Market Strategist

6 years with J.P. Morgan
12 years in the Industry

Vincent Juvyns

Global Market Strategist

12 years with J.P. Morgan
26 years in the Industry

Aaron Hussein

Global Market Strategist

2 years with J.P. Morgan
6 years in the Industry

Maximilian McKechnie

Global Market Strategist

5 years with J.P. Morgan
5 years in the Industry

Natasha May

Global Market Analyst

3 years with J.P. Morgan
4 years in the Industry

Zara Nokes

Global Market Analyst

3 years with J.P. Morgan
5 years in the Industry