Direct Real Estate: Finding diversification and stable income
Providing in depth analysis of Guide to Alternatives slides to help simplify the world of real estate investing.
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Meera is responsible for delivering timely market and economic insights to institutional and retail clients and conducting research on the global economy and capital markets. She is a contributor to publications such as the Guide to the Markets.
Meera is also a frequent guest on Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance, CNBC, CNN, and other financial news outlets.
Meera joined the firm in 2011 as an analyst in J.P. Morgan’s Private Bank in New York, where she served ultra-high and high-net worth clients. She has also held business strategy roles in Asset Management in New York and London.
Meera earned a B.A. in English from Tufts University and holds Series 7 and 63 licenses. She is a CFA charterholder. Meera was featured as Market Watch’s “Forecaster of the Month” in February 2020.
Insights from Meera Pandit
Providing in depth analysis of Guide to Alternatives slides to help simplify the world of real estate investing.
Read moreProviding in depth analysis of Guide to Alternatives slides to help simplify the complex world of alternative investments and help investors make more informed decisions in infrastructure.
Read moreProviding in depth analysis of Guide to Alternatives slides to help simplify the world of private equity investing.
Read moreProviding in depth analysis of Guide to Alternatives slides to help simplify the complex world of alternative investments.
Read moreDavid Lebovitz and Meera Pandit, Global Market Strategists, and Garrett Norman, Investment Specialist, Quantitative Solutions, discuss the latest on global climate change and the solutions institutional investors can incorporate into their portfolios.
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