Our Research-Enhanced Index Equity (ESG) ETFs blend passive index exposure and active stock selection within a robust environmental, social and governance framework, making them an attractive option for investors looking to earn incremental excess returns on their equity exposure at low active risk.
Time to consider a research-enhanced approach
Whether investors are seeking to de-risk portfolios or looking to perhaps dip their toes back into markets, our Research-Enhanced Index (REI) Equity ETFs provide a cost effective way to gain equity index exposure, with the added benefit of being able to target excess returns by tapping directly into the stock-specific ideas of J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s experienced team of career analysts.
With our hybrid approach, equity investors don’t have to choose between passive index exposure and active security selection—they can have both, supplemented by a value-added focus on sustainability through ESG sector exclusions and corporate engagement.
Cost-effective equity index exposure
We believe equities will remain an important component of overall portfolio returns, particularly in the short term, if stock markets experience a sharp rebound as global economies begin to recover from coronavirus lockdowns. This view is widely held among global equity investors. Some 86% of respondents to our latest quarterly global equity investors’ survey expect equity returns to be above average over the next 18 to 24 months.
Quarterly global equity investors’ survey

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. A subset of survey results are shown for Global Equity Investors Quarterly. Responses received in March 2020. These responses are taken from a quarterly survey representing 36 CIOs and portfolio managers across global equities.
As stock markets recover, our REI Equity strategy is able to provide the cost effective index exposure that investors need. This is because, like passive funds, our REI Equity ETFs stay close to fully invested at all times, with regional, sector and style exposures closely controlled relative to the index to provide a consistent, low tracking error—and a competitive fee.