Spectrum is how we invest
Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management; 1 January - 31 December 2023.
1 AUM across the following asset classes: Global Fixed Income, Beta Strategies, Derivatives, Liquidity, Equity and AM Solutions.
Meeting our clients' goals using the latest technology
Investor Insights
Allows our investors to quickly identify opportunities and risks, and to act fast as markets move.
Portfolio Management
Provides customizable tools to tailor investment strategies to client needs.
Leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize trade execution and capture alpha.
Powering our perspective

Spectrum’s Investor Insights engine harnesses AI and data science to transform structured and unstructured research into meaningful investment intelligence, equipping our portfolio managers with actionable insights to enhance client outcomes. Research and rich data are consolidated in a simple way to provide a holistic view of insights for a specific company, sector or portfolio, while also highlighting the alpha and risk signals, and the environmental, social and governance factors that portfolio managers can use to drive investment decisions. These insights feed into Spectrum's Portfolio Management engine, allowing our portfolio managers to leverage a broad suite of investment, market and portfolio intelligence in real-time.
Transforming opportunities into action

Spectrum's Portfolio Management engine helps us construct and manage our portfolios to reflect the differentiated intelligence provided by our global insights. Bolstered by sophisticated toolsets and advanced analytics to monitor market exposures in real time, our portfolios can be customized with specific investment strategies for each client. A comprehensive risk management function also allows risks to be monitored, evaluated and managed at the click of a button. Once implemented, investment decisions flow seamlessly to Spectrum's Trading engine for efficient execution.
Crystalizing portfolio alpha

Spectrum's Trading engine integrates automated workflows with our machine learning model to create a powerful tool that is used by both the automated execution platform and our trading professionals. Our enhanced trading functionality enables traders to preview trade outcomes and enhance execution, creating greater efficiency and alpha-capturing opportunities. The design of our trading stack also means we can continue to apply automation, and make enhancements to our trading infrastructure and execution capabilities, ultimately creating greater scalability to meet the demands of our clients.
An award-winning platform to build stronger client portfolios
Contact us
Contact your J.P. Morgan Asset Management representative to find out more about Spectrum and to organise a demonstration of our proprietary, data-driven investment platform.
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