Invest for a changing world
In a fast-changing world, sustainability is a growing concern for investors. Sustainable investing funds position investors to manage the risks associated with environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, capture the opportunities and contribute to positive change.
Sustainable investing capabilities for specific goals
Excludes certain sectors, industries or practices from the portfolio based on specific ESG criteria.
Positive tilt
Tilted towards sectors, companies or projects with positive ESG characteristics; excludes certain companies based on ESG criteria.
Best in class
Invests only in companies that lead their peer groups in ESG performance; excludes certain companies based on ESG criteria.
Invest with a thematic focus on a UN Sustainable Development Goal or other specific ESG themes.
Selected funds to help you build a sustainable portfolio
Positive tilt
Best in class

*Awarded the Towards Sustainability label for sustainable and socially responsible products from the Central Labelling Agency, for one year from November 2020.
**Awarded the Towards Sustainability label for sustainable and socially responsible products from the Central Labelling Agency, for one year from March 2020.