Capitalise on opportunities in sustainable forests
Inflation risk
Harvested timber is a commodity that, like many other commodities, tends to respond positively during inflationary environments.
Timberland income, generated mainly by the sale of harvested logs, offers flexibility in any environment, but it is particularly valuable in a period of inflation and rising interest rates.
Timberland has a low correlation to equities and bonds, and to most standard investment factors, which can help enhance portfolio diversification.
Sustainably managed forests sequester carbon, promote biodiversity, improve and preserve water sources, produce living wage jobs and deliver renewable products used across the economy.
Invest with Campbell Global
Forestry expertise backed by carbon know-how
Gain access to a real assets strategy that provides diversified exposure to core timberland assets around the word, while targeting a negative carbon footprint (SFDR Article 9).
Please contact your J.P. Morgan Asset Management client advisor for details.
Climate insights
As of December 31, 2023
California A.B. 1305 Disclosures: Information pursuant to AB 1305 can be found on the Campbell Global website at