At least choosing a retirement fund can be easy.
JPMorgan SmartRetirement® Passive Blend Funds
As a target date fund, SmartRetirement Passive Blend can help prepare you for the approximate year you plan to retire. It provides a single place to invest all the assets you have in your employer’s retirement plan.
Which SmartRetirement Passive Blend Fund may be right for you?
Planning to retire at 65?
Each SmartRetirement Passive Blend Fund is dynamically managed for a specific retirement target date. Choose your birth year from the menu below to find the fund that most closely aligns with the year you’ll turn 65.
Planning to retire sooner – or later?
Each SmartRetirement Passive Blend Fund name includes a retirement target date (e.g., SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2050) and is dynamically managed for that specific date. Use the menu below to choose the fund that’s closest to the year you plan to retire.
Select a target date fund
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend Income
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2020
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2025
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2030
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2035
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2040
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2045
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2050
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2055
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2060
- SmartRetirement Passive Blend 2065
What makes SmartRetirement Passive Blend so easy?
Each Smart Retirement Passive Blend Fund consists of many different investments, primarily stocks and bonds, to help you ride out market swings.
Professionally managed
A team of J.P. Morgan investment experts manage your fund, using intelligent investment models that incorporate real investor behavior.
Automatically adjusted
Over the years, SmartRetirement Passive Blend gradually shifts its focus from stocks to bonds, becoming more conservative as you approach your target date.
Ready for retirement spending
Your fund has features to help you manage your spending after you retire, so you can feel confident your money will last.
Try the Illustrator >Alex’s story: Aiming to maximize growth
Situation: While still in the early stages of his career Alex has $20,000 to invest. He understands the benefits of investing now. But with retirement so far off, it’s not his main focus. Alex is:
• Looking for an investment that he can “set and forget”
• Comfortable taking some risks in pursuit of growth
Why SmartRetirement Passive Blend: For a younger investor like Alex, a SmartRetirement Passive Blend portfolio will initially be weighted toward stocks aiming to maximize growth. With a team of investment professionals managing the fund, Alex can feel confident he’s on the right track without being hands-on.

Courtney’s story: Balancing risk and return
Situation: Courtney works full-time. Plus she has three kids. Needless to say, she doesn’t have much time to think about large cap vs. small cap vs. value to invest her $100,000. So, once a year, she looks at her fund choices and takes her best guess. Courtney is:
• Overwhelmed by her investment options
• Looking for an investment that aims for growth without too much risk
Why SmartRetirement Passive Blend: With SmartRetirement Passive Blend, everything is planned out for Courtney. Year after year, her investment allocations will be adjusted based on her target retirement date. Being mid-career, Courtney would have a portfolio with a mix of stocks and bonds that balances risk and return.

Martina’s story: Preserving assets
Situation: With about five years to go until retirement, and $225,000 in assets to invest, Martina doesn’t want to take too many chances with her retirement plan savings, especially in today’s unpredictable economy. Her goal right now is to be smart and responsible with her money. Martina is:
• Concerned about market volatility and global unrest
• Savvy about her personal finances and focused on her future
Why SmartRetirement Passive Blend: Just like Martina herself, a SmartRetirement Passive Blend Fund will be focused on her target retirement date. As she gets closer to it, her investment allocations will gradually become more and more conservative to avoid unnecessary risk.

Jason’s story: Not just investing with confidence, spending with confidence
Situation: Jason and his wife are enjoying retirement, with $300,000 invested, but they’re still mindful of their spending. After all, their money may have to last another 30 years. Right now, they’re considering a 50th anniversary vacation with the kids and grandkids. Jason is:
• Worried a big trip will take too much out of their savings
• Uncertain what the impact will be on their yearly spending
Why SmartRetirement Passive Blend: Jason likes to know how much he can comfortablyspend. With SmartRetirement Passive Blend, all he has to do is check his sample withdrawal amount each year. Even better, he can use our online calculator to see how a big expense (like a trip) will affect his future spending ability, so he can adjust his plans accordingly.