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2023 Defined Contribution Plan Sponsor Survey Findings*
* A survey of plan sponsors was conducted from 1/9/23-2/28/23 by J.P. Morgan Asset Management, not specific to J.P. Morgan Retirement Link. Additional information regarding methodology and respondent profile can be found within the report.
Source: Chatham Partners Satisfaction Survey, 2023. Scores reflect clients who provided 7/6 on a 7-point scale. When evaluating DC providers, a top 2 box rating of 85% or greater corresponds to best-in-class rating. Average client size of the benchmark is $10.0 and includes competitors in Chatham’s proprietary small market defined as plans from $1 MM to $50 MM in assets.
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Certain recordkeeping and administrative services for plans may be provided on behalf of JPMorgan Invest Holdings LLC (J.P. Morgan) by Empower Retirement, LLC. Securities transactions are effected by an affiliate of Empower Retirement, LLC, Empower Financial Services, Inc. (EFSI) a registered broker dealer and member of FINRA. Representatives of EFSI are not registered investment advisors and cannot offer financial, legal or tax advice. EFSI and Empower Retirement, LLC are independent entities and are not affiliated with J.P. Morgan. If retirement brokerage services are available in the Plan, those services are offered by Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. (Schwab). Schwab receives fees for providing these services and is not affiliated with J.P. Morgan, Empower Retirement, LLC or EFSI.
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