Diversify your sustainable portfolio
Investors are increasingly looking for ways to expand their sustainable investment portfolios beyond traditional asset classes, with 32% of European professionals expecting to increase allocations to alternatives through ESG strategies in the next five years.
A sustainable liquid alternatives approach offers investors the opportunity to capitalise on return dispersion within and across asset classes in today’s volatile investment environment, while investing in line with their sustainability preferences.
Seek positive, differentiated returns with Global Macro Sustainable Fund
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Macro Sustainable Fund is among the first sustainable, daily-liquid alternatives strategies, and is designed to take advantage of market mispricing of macro trends. The fund’s flexible, focused and risk-aware approach aims to generate positive returns over cash through varying market environments, while adhering to comprehensive sustainability criteria.
Seeks favourable returns in changing market conditions
Has delivered favourable returns in a range of performance environments.
Captures long-term investable macro themes
Research focused on current economic conditions and 10 secular themes.
Actively positioned towards sustainability
Seeks to maintain ESG scores above MSCI comparators.
Seeks favourable returns in changing market conditions
Average monthly fund performance (net of C share class fees) vs. average performance of equities and fixed income1
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.
Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data as at 31 August 2023. Fund performance is shown based on the NAV of the share class C (acc) in EUR. All calculations are net of any applicable charges and taxes incurred by the Fund, but gross of any entry / exit fees or taxes charged to the shareholders. The Fund inception date is 30 August 2019. 2Indices used: MSCI World hedged to EUR (40%) and JPM Global Government Bond Index hedged EUR (60%). 1 Indices do not include fees or operating expenses. *Correlation data is reflective of JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Macro Opportunities Fund and is computed using weekly returns, Friday to Friday, based on the NAV of the share class C (acc) in EUR.
Captures long-term investable macro themes
We look to invest in businesses that we believe are positioned to benefit from secular growth drivers that enable multi-year compounding of earnings and can create long-term shareholder value.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.
Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management as at 31 August 2023. The portfolio is actively managed. Holdings, sector weights, allocations and leverage, as applicable, are subject to change at the discretion of the investment manager without notice.
The fund’s objective is to achieve capital appreciation in excess of its cash benchmark by investing primarily in securities, globally, using derivatives where appropriate. The Fund may invest up to 100% in government and public securities and may also invest in below investment grade and unrated debt securities. The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 5 year(s).
Actively tilted towards sustainability
We commit to maintain the security-weighted ESG scores for government bonds and equity above the median of relevant MSCI comparators to arrive at a total score above the combined medians. In addition, we positively tilt the portfolio towards companies that exhibit strong ESG characteristics and / or offer sustainable products and services.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future results.
Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, as at 30 April 2023. Equity holding ESG scores using MSCI scores/scale. The companies above are shown for illustrative purposes only. Their inclusion should not be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell. MSCI Carbon Metrics and ESG data updated quarterly. MSCI ACWI weighted average carbon intensity of 151 tCO2E/$m sales. The portfolio uses the index for performance comparison only. The index is not a designated sustainable reference benchmark in light of EU Regulation 2019/2088 and does therefore not have a particular focus on ESG. The metrics provided show the ESG performance of the portfolio compared to the ESG performance of the index during the reference period and are for information only. The manager does not rely on these metrics in managing the portfolio but rather uses its own investment process in selecting investments.
Built on three pillars of sustainability
The fund combines a top-down focus on macro drivers, including sustainable themes, with a bottom-up emphasis on positive ESG characteristics and exclusions of unsustainable industries. Strategy selection draws on three pillars of sustainability.
In actively managed assets deemed by J.P. Morgan Asset Management to be ESG integrated under our governance process, we systematically assess financially material ESG factors amongst other factors in our investment decisions with the goals of managing risk and improving long-term returns. ESG integration does not by itself change a strategy’s investment objective, exclude specific types of companies or constrain a strategy’s investable universe.
Further reading and information
Macro investing with J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Mispricings of macro themes can occur over multiple time horizons, across and within asset classes. Our specialist team of macro investors seeks to capture these through two perspectives: long-term secular themes and current economic conditions. The team invests across asset classes through long and short exposures, seeking to achieve the most efficient portfolio that reflects these macro views. Risk analysis is embedded throughout the process and supported by an independent risk team.
Risk management does not imply elimination of risks.
1 In the above context ESG refers to the systematic inclusion of financially material ESG factors (alongside other relevant factors) in investment analysis and investment decisions with the goals of managing risk and improving long-term returns.