For investors re-evaluating portfolios as conditions on bond markets evolve, J.P. Morgan Asset Management offers fixed income solutions that span the risk spectrum, underpinned by the deep resources and rigorous research of a truly global platform.
Insights and perspectives
Explore core fixed income insights from our portfolio managers and research analysts.
Chart of the month
The environment for fixed income remains attractive, with yields trading well above long-term averages. A soft-landing outlook in which central banks begin to cut interest rates therefore leaves global fixed income well positioned to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns.
While our base case is for a soft landing, we recognise that there are tail risks to our outlook, such as a more prominent downturn in economic growth. Therefore, while the Global Aggregate strategy continues to favour high quality spread sectors to out-carry the index and capture attractive all-in yields, it is also making use of hedges, such as curve steepeners, to counter-balance against tail-risk scenarios.
Viren Patel
Investment Specialist
Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities
Cameron McCrimmon
Investment Specialist
Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities
Bloomberg Global Aggregate Index hedged USD
Current yeild to maturity (%) compared to 12-year averages
Portfolio positioning analysis
Find out how we’re positioning our core fixed income portfolios, based on our latest economic and market views.
PM Perspectives: Fixed income’s time to shine
Myles Bradshaw, portfolio manager of the Global Aggregate Bond Fund, looks at the drivers of the fixed income market and explains how he is positioning the portfolio to capture current opportunities.
Core fixed income funds for diverse needs
Research-driven security selection and disciplined risk management are at the heart of our fixed income portfolio building blocks. Download a chart pack or explore the fund for more information.
Contact us
For further information about any of the funds featured above, or any of our fixed income range, please contact your local representative.
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